Apple airs three ads about the Genius Bar during Olympic Games opening ceremonies

As reported by 9to5Mac the Apple ads for their Genius Bar experience signifies a new tack for Apple where by they’re advertising a non-product area of innovation. Apple is one of the leaders in the area of blending together commercial innovation and product innovation to create leverage from multiple types of innovation. Their retail experience is world-class…

The Rise of Texting and the Fall of Post

The Rise of Texting and the Fall of Post – Not all it seems though

Ofcom, the UK telecoms regulator recently published its annual review of the UK communications market.  The report is 400+ pages of analysis of the nation’s usage of communications mechanisms from social networks, to mobile voice and texts, to post and face to face.  It’s data rich and a great snapshot of the nation in this rapidly…

Are you inspiring the future?

Are you Inspiring the Future?

Do you remember careers guidance when you were at school?  If you were lucky enough to get any then it was likely bite-size in nature.  You either knew what you wanted to become, or you had no idea.  In which case the 10 minute chat didn’t add any depth to your decision making and the…

The Role of Timing in Innovation

The Role of Timing in Innovation

Inventions can happen anywhere, to anyone, and at any time.  At some point during everyone’s life they will come up with something that could be categorised as new and novel and an invention.  When you then look at inventions and overlay what happens to them, how far they are then innovated, you can probably categorise…