The Importance of Beta Feedback

The Importance of Beta Feedback

Increasingly we live in a society where we expect everything to be available instantly, 24/7/365.  Yet often we take for granted the time and effort that it has taken to achieve this for each individual product or service. On another axis the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and therefore more complex.  How many of us…

"they put the pieces together in a different way that succeeded"

“they put the pieces together in a different way that succeeded” – Bill Gates

In an interview for CBS’ ’60 Minutes’ program, Bill Gates talked about his relationship with Steve Jobs.  In it he talks about tablets, “We did tablets – lots of tablet – well before Apple did” he states, before conceding “they put the pieces together in a different way that succeeded.”  In the world of tablets,…

Subscription based business models

Subscription Based Business Models for Software – have we reached a tipping point?

Back in October 2012 I wrote an article titled “Software by the Month – A better proposition than your gym membership?” in which I highlighted the increasing trend towards subscription based business models in terms of software licensing.  In the article I investigated the opportunities for software publishers and users alike that the model could open…