Adrian has over 25 years’ experience in the design, implementation, and delivery of complex commercial transactions through novel business models and is the founder of Kommercialize. He is a regular contributor and speaker on topics such as “Commercial Agility – the role of risk in creating adaptive agility”, “Collaboration in order to exploit the opportunities of co-developing with suppliers to achieve true innovation” and “Commercial Innovation and Agility”.

To Share or Not to Share?

To Share or Not to Share?

I just read ‘What’s The Future of the Sharing Economy‘ on Fast Company and it re-kindled some thinking about the business models that we’re seeing in the digital publishing world. Many of us are now used to receiving books, magazines and newspapers in a digital form, however, how is this impacting the sharing economy?  Where…

Self service doesn't equal no service

Self Service ≠ No Service

In this cost conscious age many organisations are looking for ways to maintain margins by managing their cost base.  When they look around for low hanging fruit they see the opportunities opened up by the increasingly connected world and the changes in people’s willingness to do themselves, what others have done for them before.  The…

Commoditisation - Friend or Foe?

Commoditisation – Friend or Foe?

If we look at business models in the last century then the major innovation was the introduction by the Ford Motor Company of the assembly line.  The approach created competitive advantage through efficiency and since this breakthrough in Detroit which began operation on 1st December 1913 many people have embellished and adapted it to further refine it. For…

Book Retailing Roulette

Book Retailing Roulette

It was interesting to hear today of the deal between Waterstones, one of the diminishing number of UK-wide book retailers, and Amazon, whereby Waterstones will have a digital section in their stores to help people try and buy Kindle devices and then select content.  The two companies come at the same space, book retailing, from…