Innovation that's music to our ears - commercial innovation in reality

Innovation that’s music to our ears – commercial innovation in reality

One industry that isn’t a stranger to commercial innovation is the music industry.  Taking recording formats as an example, since the late 19th century there have been several waves of advancement, including: –  Phonograph cylinder (1888-1920’s) –  Vinyl (1920’s – early 1990s ) –  Cassettes (Late 1970’s – early 2000’s) –  CD’s (1982 – )…

Subscription based business models

Subscription Based Business Models for Software – have we reached a tipping point?

Back in October 2012 I wrote an article titled “Software by the Month – A better proposition than your gym membership?” in which I highlighted the increasing trend towards subscription based business models in terms of software licensing.  In the article I investigated the opportunities for software publishers and users alike that the model could open…