Mobile Network Business Models - The Beginning? The Endgame? or Just Another Step?

Mobile Network Business Models – The Beginning? The Endgame? or Just Another Step?

Back in the early ’90s I happened to do a piece of research in relation to the UK government’s intention to award mobile phone wireless spectrum and accompanying PCN licences.  At that time there were two mobile phone incumbents, Cellnet (now O2) and Vodafone, who both had licences and operated on the GSM network at…


Book Retailing Roulette

Book Retailing Roulette

It was interesting to hear today of the deal between Waterstones, one of the diminishing number of UK-wide book retailers, and Amazon, whereby Waterstones will have a digital section in their stores to help people try and buy Kindle devices and then select content.  The two companies come at the same space, book retailing, from…
